

Jun 30 2016

PageRank is dead: Understanding Domain Authority and Domain Rating for lawyers

As it Appeared on AVVO Lawyers must be able to track their progress with SEO. Otherwise, investing in digital platforms can start to feel like throwing money into the black hole of the Internet with little to show for it. Google uses over 200 factors to rank attorney websites stored in its index, and 2 leading metrics that neatly combine those factors into an easily digestible score are known as Domain Authority and Domain Rank. Regardless of browser, search term, searcher, location, or device, these metrics give lawyers the at-a-glance information they...

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Jun 29 2016

Step-by-step guide to boosting your legal website’s rank in search

Author Chris Dreyer In our previous post we talked about Domain Authority and Domain Rating, two measurements that allow lawyers to track their progress in search. Here, we lay out strategies for increasing those metrics and methods for measuring progress in search. Get a baseline As a first step, log into either Ahrefs or Moz Open Site Explorer and make note of your site’s Domain Authority or Domain Rating. Keep this data handy so you can use it as a basis for comparison later on. Domain Authority and Domain Rating are key metrics that...

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