
Local PowerLinks

We help your Law Firm Get Published Everywhere & On Every Device. Get Found.


Consistent Law Firm location information across 70+ online maps, apps, directories, GPS devices, social networks, and search engines, including Google, Apple Maps, Bing, Facebook, Yahoo and Yelp. We help clients choose you by creating the most complete, rich, and accurate presence on all the search engines, maps, apps and local directories when they search for your Law Firm.

Listings Match

Real-Time Updates

Dual Sync


Listing Visitor Reporting: See how often a listing appears in local search results, the views its detail page receives, and the number of times customers click on a featured message — which helps you tie revenue back to your Firm’s locations’ digital presence.

Review Monitoring: Monitor and search customer reviews by location across every PowerLinks site that supports them, including Google, Facebook, Yelp, and Citysearch, in real time. Get custom notifications for new reviews, search reviews by location, and analyze how customer feedback varies over time and across locations.

Duplicate Suppression: Duplicate records of your business information appear across the search ecosystem — and they cost your Law Firm time, money, and SEO benefits. Our technology finds and suppresses duplicate listings so consumers never see incorrect or incomplete address or contact information. Since search engines value consistency, Duplicate Suppression offers huge SEO benefits.

The PowerLinks Network

PowerLinks Network

Social Publishers

Social Publishers

Menu Publishers

Menu Publishers

Today’s world of smartphones, mobile moments, and self-driving cars demands accurate location data more than ever. And no single search, maps, and apps provider is more important to your Law Firm’s location marketing strategy than Google.

Use our PowerLinks to sync and manage your Google My Business account and:

Update your clients rapidly about timely changes to key location data like hours or unforeseen closings

Control the data Google receives about your locations and ensure it’s always consistent, authoritative, and up-to-date.

Ready to Get Started?

Fill out the form and one of our casesite specialists will be in touch with you soon.
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